William Waguespack excels on graduate school, work and playing for GOLD

William Waguespack excels on graduate school, work and playing for GOLD

   In this behind-the-scenes feature, we spend a day with NOLA Gold’s William Waguespack, who exemplifies dedication and resilience as he balances academic pursuits, work commitments, and a devotion to rugby. Let’s take a closer look at his multifacetedWilliam begins his day in a familiar setting—a study room filled with textbooks and a desk. Here, he dives into film reviews and homework, surrounded by a flag that reads “Academic Weapon – Kick the Sheets, Win the Day.” 

  It’s clear that he takes his studies seriously. On track to earn his MBA, William’s commitment to personal growth is evident. “I am on my last class, so I will graduate in August. I’m really excited for that,” he said.

No day can start without breakfast, and like many athletes, William refuels with a hearty meal, even if he modestly admits that his culinary creation “definitely isn’t the best looking, but it tastes pretty good.” This morning ritual prepares him for the challenges ahead, including intense training and teamwork.

  After early morning of cardio and weights, William transitions into his work attire and heads off to his job as Assistant Branch Rental Manager at Penske. His responsibilities include manning a rental counter, assisting with truck rentals, and ensuring all city reservations are covered. After work, it’s back to the stadium where “the fun begins” with training, practice, and meetings.

Before practice, William makes a stop to reinforce his injured ankle, a lingering issue from a break last September that required surgery. Properly strapping his ankle provides the stability he needs to perform at his best.

Physical readiness is just one part of the equation; mental sharpness is equally crucial. Drills and strategy meetings fill much of the practice time, and the team camaraderie is evident, highlighted by an impromptu birthday celebration for a teammate.

By the end of the day, William demonstrates that the life of a professional rugby player extends beyond the field. It’s about discipline, time management, and sheer willpower to excel in every area of life.

William Waguespack’s journey is a powerful reminder of what it takes to pursue multiple passions and excel in them. His dedication to his MBA, commitment to his work, and unyielding spirit for rugby weave together a story of a life well-lived. For anyone dreaming of achieving great things across various facets of life, William stands as an inspiring example of what’s possible with balance, hard work, and a bit of team spirit.

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